Favorite 3d Printer

What is your favorite 3d Printer

Kelly Sullivan

3/1/20241 min read

a close up of a machine with a blue light on it
a close up of a machine with a blue light on it

Any of us that are into 3d printing have our favorite 3d printer. Mine happens to be the Ender 3 V2. I bought this printer from a friend of mine when I was going through some personal issues and it helped me get my mind on something else.

One of the first things that I had to do with this printer was figure out why it would not feed the filament. My friend thought the filament was knotted up, but it wasn't. Turned out that I had to do my first upgrade and go from a plastic extruder feeder to a metal one. Just playing with this got me hooked on 3d printing and is why the Ender 3 is my favorite printer.

Since then, I have upgraded this printer with a 500 millimeter gantry, added a second z-axis motor, and installed Klipper. This printer has been a work horse for me.

The other printer that I own is a FLSun QQS-Pro delta printer. This too has been a fun printer to own and like the Ender, I would buy another one.

As always, this is my opinion on these printers and you might prefer others due to your experiences, so if you don't agree, I am willing to discuss it and learn from your experience if l you will learn from mine.