Lets Have Some Fun

My introduction

Kelly Sullivan

4/18/20231 min read

Let's have some fun.

This firs post is not going to be long. I want to take some time and discuss my background and some of my experience with you. I have more than 20 years in my IT career, which I have done all sorts of things in the IT industry. I got lucky and worked in a couple of small IT departments and some large companies as well. The last 5 or six years, I have been mainly dealing with Microsoft SQL Server. I am a member of the Professional Association of SQL Server and Spiceworks Spice Corps.

While I was working for a company as a IT Project Manager and DBA, I moonlighted as an Adjunct Professor at ITT Technical Institute teaching SQL Server and Visual Basic. I had a lot of fun passing on knowledge to the students there and learning some from them.

I also have several hobbies. I have flown Radio Controlled airplanes and drone, built plastic models, and have done some model railroading. One of my latest hobbies is doing 3d Printing. It is this hobby that plan on using to teach some 3d Printing here.

I do want to encourage any and all feed back. If you don't agree with what I say or have a better way to do something, let's discuss it. I am wanting to learn more as well and the best way is from one another in these discussions. I also like to give credit to those who teach me something or show me the errors of my logic. If you do not want me to mention your name, please let me know.

Please, use comments@itbaconbreak.com for your comments or disagreements on the tipic.