The Story Log Files Tell

The checking of log files

Kelly Sullivan

4/29/20231 min read

monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming

How often to you check the log files on your systems? And I am talking about the systems logs and even your database error logs. These logs can tell a story if you let them. That story is not always a horror story either.

By checking the log files on a regular basis, you can see how your servers are performing. Recently, I went to work for a new company as one of their Database Administrators, and the first thing that I did was go through all the SQL Server Error logs to number 1 see how the servers are running and number 2 to see if there are any potential issues. Well on some of the servers, I did find problems. These problems had not been reported by the end users yet. The good part about this is, we kept the users from even knowing that there was an issue.

Now, I will confess that when I saw servers with issues, I did go in and look at the Windos logs as well to see if there was anything in the operating system that cause some of these errors. Which brings me to another subject. These logs need to be checked on a regular basis as well. You can use reporting tools such as SolarWinds, and I am only using this as an example, to help monitor the servers.

In conclusion, the system and error logs should be reviewed on a regular basis and not jus if there is an issue. Make yourself look like a hero by not fighting fires when they happen, but by preventing them in the first place.

As always, if you don't agree or have other comments about this, please send me an email to
